Čokoladno čudo / Chocolate Wonder

{Please scroll down to English version}

Mislite da, zato što imam blog,mi sve slastice idu od ruke? Oooo, prevarili biste se. :D

Često imam poteškoća. Od krivo izvaganih sastojaka, jer je previše ljudi u kuhinji i postavljaju previše pitanja, do totalno neuspjelog deserta jer je bitan dio u receptu izostavljen.

Ovaj drugi slučaj dogodio nam se i za ovaj recept. Mama je dobila recept od prijateljice s posla koja je rekla da je ovo brz i ukusan čokoladni kolač. Prodano!

U receptu nije pisalo treba li se pleh za kolače podmazati pa smo ga, kao i inače, podmazali – i dno i stranice pleha. Pripremili smo biskvit, ispekli ga i ostavili da se ohladi. Pripremili kremu te izlili preko biskvita. Tu dolazimo do zanimljivog dijela.
Izlili smo kremu koja se provukla uz stranice te otišla ispod biskvita. Imali smo rijetku čokoladnu kremu i biskvit koji pluta kao čamac. :D

Kako je šteta bila učinjena, stavili smo biskvit da se stisne u hladnjak. Prošli smo nožem uz stranice pleha i izvrnuli ga naopačke. Odrezali viškove sa strane te sa zadovoljstvom smazali kolač.
Nije da ne bude problemčića ili da uvijek sve dobro ispadne, no uživam i ne dam se obeshrabriti neuspjesima u kuhinji.

Ukusni kakao biskvit i čokoladni ganache su i prvi i svaki sljedeći put bili pravi pogodak. Ili, još bolje – nemojte mi vjerovati i uvjerite se sami. ;)

Ovo je još jedan pokušaj mog igranja i fotografa i slastičara. 

Čokoladno čudo

6 žumanjaka + 6 bjelanjaka
6 žlica šećera
100 ml ulja
100 ml mlijeka
6 žlica oštrog brašna
½ vrećice praška za pecivo
3 žlice kakaa
Zagrijte pećnicu na 180°C. Podmažite samo dno pleha za pečenje. NE podmazivati stranice.

Odvojite žumanjke i bjelanjke. Žumanjke i šećer miksajte dok ne posvijetle i postanu pjenasti.
Dodajte ulje i mlijeko te zatim prosijano brašno, prašak za pecivo i kakao. Miksajte tek toliko dok se ne sjedini.

Bjelanjke pjenasto umutite te dodajte prethodnoj smjesi.
 Spatulom lagano umiješajte bjelanjke u smjesu, pazeći pritom da ne izbijete zrak iz bjelanjaka. Postupak ponavljajte dok ponestane komadića bjelanjaka.
Izlijte u pripremljeni pleh (veličine 25x35 cm) i pecite 20 minuta.

Pečeni biskvit ostavite sa strane da se malo ohladi dok pripremite kremu. Nikako nemojte proći nožem uz rubove pleha.
Biskvit izbockajte vilicom.

Čudo od čokoladnog ganachea

500 ml slatkog vrhnja
250 g čokolade za kuhanje

Čokoladu nasjeckajte. Na srednje jakoj vatri zagrijte slatko vrhnje do vrenja te prelijte preko čokolade. Ostavite nekoliko minuta te potom promiješajte dok se čokolada skroz ne otopi.

Toplu kremu prelijte preko toplog biskvita.

Ohladite na sobnoj temperaturi,a zatim u frižideru.

Šaljite mi svoje fotografije na cutieandpieblog@gmail.com
ili na Instagramu označite sa #cutieandpie.

Dobar tek,

{You're at the English version}

You think that, just because I have a blog, all the things I do are a piece of cake? Ooooh, you would be so wrong. :D

I often have difficulties. From wrong measures because there are too many people in the kitchen asking too many questions, to a desert which completely failed because an important part of the recipe was left out.

The second case happened for this particular recipe too. Mom got the recipe from a friend at work who said this was a quick and tasty chocolate cake. Sold!
The recipe didn't say whether you have to grease the baking tray, so we did it the way we normally do – both the bottom and the sides. We prepared the sponge, baked it, and left it to cool. We prepared the ganache and poured it over. This is where the interesting part occurred.

We poured the cream which sipped by the sides of the tray and went under the sponge. We have a very thin chocolate ganache and a sponge which was floating like a boat. :D

Since the damage was done, we put the sponge into the fridge to set. We scraped the sides with the knife and flipped it upside down. We cut away the ends and ate the entire cake with delight.
It's not like there are no problems or that everything turns out well each time, but I enjoy every step of the way and I don't let myself get down by the kitchen failures.

The excellent cocoa sponge and chocolate ganache were a complete success every other time. Or, even better – don't trust me and see for yourselves. ;)

Chocolate Wonder

6 yolks + 6 egg whites
6 tablespoons of sugar
100 ml of vegetable oil
100 ml of milk
6 tablespoons of hard flour
½ baking powder package
3 tablespoons of cocoa

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease only the bottom of the baking tray. DO NOT grease the sides.

Separate the egg yolks and the egg whites. Mix the sugar and the egg yolks until they become light and fluffy.
Add the oil and milk, and then the sifted flour, baking powder and cocoa. Mix until it becomes even.

Mix in the egg whites until fluffy and add to the mixture.
Lightly incorporate the egg whites with a spatula, being careful not to beat the air out of them. Repeat until you can't see any more chunks of egg whites.
Pour into the baking tray (25x35 cm) and bake for 20 minutes.
Leave the baked sponge to cool a bit until you prepare the ganache. Don't run the knife on the sides.
Poke the sponge with a fork.

Chocolate Ganache Wonder

500 ml of whipping cream
250 g of cooking chocolate

Cut the chocolate. On medium heat bring the whipping cream to a boil and pour over the chocolate. Leave it for a couple of minutes, and then stir until the chocolate fully melts.

Pour the warm ganache over the warm sponge.
Leave to cool at room temperature, and then pop it in the fridge.
Send me your photos at cutieandpieblog@gmail.com 
or use the hashtag #cutieandpie on Instagram,

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